Break it down

Goals: Break it down.
If you did…
1 Push up a day for a year = 365 push ups.
1 Dip a day for a year = 365 dips.
Think about this not just in Fitness but in daily life too.
We often quit because we make things look so big. We look at what we should have done or what we aren’t doing when sometimes, we need to stop and reflect on the little changes we have made that are all adding up to what we are trying to accomplish.
If we don’t take time to look at each thing we have taken a step to do, we will feel burned out and often hopeless. We’ll be left feeling like we will never get where we desire to be.
ONE seems small, but when done repeatedly, it can move mountains over time.
ONE healthy habit can be the thing that changes your life.

2 thoughts on “Break it down

  1. I know you are speaking to encourage women Kristy, but I still want to chip in a comment. I was 68 last June. I have consistently done some type of strength training multiple times a week since my 20’s. I don’t have the genetics or the persistence to look like a body builder. Probably average only 20 or 30 minutes of work in a session. Many younger than I have trouble with daily tasks, even mobility. I have none of that, and never find a task I don’t feel up to tackling. Seems to me, the dividends of what you are encouraging your followers to do pays off hugely in quality of life.

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    1. Yes!! I love this! Thank you so much for sharing! It makes such a huge difference to do anything we can do. Many focus on things they can’t do, but I always teach people / my clients that there are things we can do, and I show them how. It truly changes and enhances your life! I learned from the best…Jesus! 🙂
      I am glad to hear your comments about Fitness and health. I love sharing that with people. Have a wonderful day!

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